Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Damons Cartoons are so Awesome

I just love these pictures drawn by damon! Too bad they were on the white erase board though.

Yeppers! Routine is great! Things are going well. School is quite good. We are ripping along. What a difference. Charissa is settling down. Behaviours are much better. We have had some rather emotional discussions over the last week. Emotion is GOOD! I am trying to show her how it takes so long for us to be able to trust her after she has stolen and lied to us. It is difficult to teach that to her especially when there is no cause and effect thinking. We will keep trying!

MCFD STILL has not sent in the information needed to continue with the home study. It has now been 3 months. It is not right that they just ignore the request. I was so hoping to have moved on a little bit before now. It is making me feel quite disheartend.

Pete is hunting this week end. It is his last week for limited entry. I hope he finds his moose. Although I will really need to find room in the freezer. Damon is not going to be able to go with him. There will be too much hiking and sitting quietly for him. Clayton is going to go though.

The second shed has finally been taken down. Maybe we will burn it on Saturday night after Pete gets home.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Its Baaaaack!

Sneaking, Stealing and then Lying about it. Charissa is even setting up her actions to make it look like someone else did it. Ok life is going to so very strict for a while until she remembers that stability feels good and that she is worse off for being in control.

Poor Clayton and Damon have been wondering where their Candies and gum have dissappeared to. They had a sneaking suspicion but none of us were entirely sure until we found the wrappers for the missing gum etc in the pockets of a pair of jeans that had never been worn. Charissa was trying to make it look like Clayton had eaten the gum himself but did not realize she was stashing the evidence in jeans with tags still on. Oh boy.

Still know nothing about the new adoption. As far as I know Choices has not recieved the PCC yet. Gotta love the ministry.

Monday, August 18, 2008

oh we need some routine

Man do we ever. It has been well over a month of peoplr visiting and us visiting people. Charissa is DONE. Her little mind is about to explode. She has regressed so far back. She is doing things that I had forgotten she would do. Of course they are all things that make her look angelic to the rest of the world but I know the girl behind the actions. She has been wonderful at helping those that need help. Unfortunatly her reason for being so helpful is because she has convinced herself that she is the adult. She fully believes that she needs to do something for someone because no one else can. The thing that makes this not good is that she will not stop to ask what exactly she needs to do to help. she takes it upon herself to figure it out. She does not have the capability to make the correct choice always. EG: when cousin Jake was looking for his dad the other day she decided that he could not do it and she could find Uncle Lawrence instead. Charissa ran around the house calling and only because I realized the extent of the situation that she didn't walk in on him in the privacy of his bedroom trying to get changed. She came close though. Last night she decided on her own to get a towel for Mel to wipe some gel off of her tummy. First I was upset because I did not want her to get a big towel out of the bathroom just for a little bit of gel. I have enough laundry to do. Then when I said something she assured me that it was a dirty towel. Ewww thats gross. Poor Mel. If Charissa would just ask then I would be able to explain to her that Mel needed a small washcloth. Something clean and something that is not going to take up a huge chunk of my wash load.
The part that is hard is that she will do anything to get out of helping me.

Last week Charissa had a scratch under her eye. She will not tell me where it came from. The next day she tried to convince someone that Clayton had just made the scratch while they were playing. I wish she would stop trying to make our family look so bad.

She also felt the need to let poor Astin know that cousin Luke, who we were on out wat to visit for 4 days, didn't like him. i asked her why she would say something like that and she just said that she was telling him because she didn't want him to be sad if he knew that. These are just a few things that have been grating on my nerves. There are many other things like sleeping with no blankets so that Auntie or Uncle would see and feel sorry for her. I found her blankets stuffed in the closet before anyone happened by so that didn't work out well for her. The next night she plotted a new course of action to get peoples attention. Instead of hiding her blanket in the closet she wore her full legged, long sleeved pj's to bed in a bedroom that was so hot you could hardly breath, then she pulled the quilt up to her chin and went to sleep. Too bad for her I was the one to find her. No one to feel sorry for her. Oh well

Anyway we are done travelling and visiting. Its time to get back on track. I have to say I am looking forward to it.

We are close to ending the next adoption. Our worker in Vanderhoof was LOVELY. Pete really enjoyed her. Unfortunatly the SW's from the ministry are making our lives very difficult. I wish I knew why.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Summer has FINALLY arrived. We are spending a lot of time outside. I hate not being at the lake though. Tomorrow we are going to take the motorhome to Ft St James to a wedding. The wedding is the next day and before the wedding Pete and I are going to have our first homestudy visit. I am not sure what to expect. I feel like we may be looked upon as though we need to prove ourselves because of past accusations. That is hard to do because how do you prove that you just love kids?
We are leaving Charissa and Damon with a family that is involved with the wedding while we go to meet with the social worker. I am not sure how to convince Charissa to not play the manipulation game while we are gone. Hopefully she will just go with the flow of the other kids around her and forget about it.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Summer Fun

Well so much for continuing Charissas school work over the summer. We did an hour last night and I forgot how much she really loves to do it. Damon wanted to do it too so next time I will have to photocopy the sheets so that he can do his own.

The family is gone now and as usual I feel like a failure. Charissa as usual pushed all the buttons that made me have to react and make me look like an ogre. She knows full well that if she does something that makes me unhappy then I will either give her yet another consequence and she will look like poor little Charissa or I will do nothing in front of the company and she will get away with what she knows is pushing my buttons. It is a lose/lose situation for me. I wish I could find a way to deal with her as secretly as she dishes out the behaviours. Oh well. And such is the life with RAD.

Otherwise it has been a great summer. We are making the most of the few nice days. Camping and boating mostly. We are supposed to go camping again on Friday but to be honest I have not seen a sign of the rain clouds dissapearing.

We need to start vacationing to sunnier destinations more often. I wish!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Oh boy we are getting back on track!!! I have been pretty sick lately so have not been getting enough done. Nor have I been spending a lot of quality time with Charissa. Although it is better than when she was at school. It is fun doing the work and Charissa seems to really enjoy it also. My adoption Counselor Brenda McCreight was happy to hear about the homeschooling. She is a huge believer in it and of course if she says its great then it is great. I completly hang off of every word she says. She knows so much and in my opinion she is the Queen of the adoption world.
Solid shape are still very difficult for Chrissa but we did get some activities done. We had to take pictures to send in to the teacher so I will try to post them here.

Friday, April 25, 2008

I think the best part so far about homeschooling is that I can get the boys up and off to school with out the added stress of Charissa's issues. All is calm and relaxed. The day gets to start off smoothly for us which is very nice.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

going slow

Our lesson started with trying to think up an object that symbolizes the season. Then we were supossed to move on with the school work. Instead we ended up outside for an hour trying to learn what the seasons are and in what order they go in. Charissa was positive that the order was fall, winter, fall, summer, fall. There is no use in just telling her because she does not learn that way. We went outside to look at the leaves that fell and were under the snow. Although she knew that they had fallen before the snow she was convinced that fall came back again because the leaves had reappeared. Also in her mind fall is the coldest season. And even though we cannot snowmobile or go boating right now then it has to be still either summer or winter. No in between season. And then spring comes after summer. Soooo hard for her.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Poor Girl

One thing that I am learning is the extent of Charissas weaknesses. WOW there are things that I thought would be easy for her but she has such a difficult time wrapping her head around. I have heard her talking in the past about the english language rules but yesterday she was trying to apply them in words that dont even contain the letters or sounds. eg she was trying to figure out how to spell Barbies. She got Barb then she was rattling on about the C making the I say its name. First of all it takes an E to make a vowel say its name and second of all the I does not say its name in this word. I have heard her before using this rule and it sounded like she understood it but it is clear to me that it is just one that she has memorized but does not understand so she throws it out there to sound smart and hope that it works.
She does seem to enjoy doing the work. We will have to see how she does as it gets harder. She loves having her little setup in her school space. It works well.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Well Petes sled blew up yesterday so it was a bad day for him but it was a good day for charissa and me. Our first day we just worked on math. I have started her at the beginning of grade one level so that we can learn to do this without having it be too hard. She was great! She ripped through about 10 days worth of work!!!
Today I was sick so it was a lot harder for me to be on the ball. We did a little work on LA and this is clearly more difficult for her. There are also a lot of materials so I really need to get the office done so that she can get set up and organized. Hopefully by the end of the week.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Pete is going snowmobiling for half a day with the neighbour,Wade. It is a gorgeous day so I would have liked to have gone too but I am feeling sluggish and have lots to do. They want to drop into the Meat Cache so it is better for me to not go a long anyway.
We are starting home schooling today!!! We are going to work for 3 to 4 hrs and then we will get moving on my new office together.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

I really need to get our spare room painted!!!! It is going to become my office/hopefully baby room one day. My current office is a little nook in the kitchen but I would prefer that to be Charissa's school nook. She can set all her school things up in there and it will be in the middle of our living area so that it is easy access for her.

Friday, March 28, 2008

OK so here we are starting a different phase of the bonding proccess. We are going to attempt to homeschool out daughter in hopes of her learning to attach. I do not know if it will work but I am sure going to give it a good try. We start in 3 days.